Thursday, October 27, 2011

Project 6: Analytical Space and Place

The objective of this assignment is to digitally represent a space as accurately as possible. Afterwards, we composed two compositions that fully explained the place: one analytically, the other subjectively.

The first board above depicts a bay of the Linear Gallery modelled in FormZ. Its intention was to analytically describe the space. The Axon is the main image and is supported by the other three drawings. With the Axon, you fully understand the space and how each element relates to the rest. It is a three dimensional version of the others and seemingly describes the project.

The next board begins to describe the feel of the space. A perspective is taken of the model and then the context is photoshopped in around it. Through this model, you begin to understand how light enters and plays with the space. It clarifies where the model is and how it fits into its surroundings. People add not only scale to the drawing, but a sense of inhabiting.   

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Midterm Review (Project 7) and Revisions

Final Review Board:

The board above is the final board from the midterm review. Overall, I was praised for the composition and topic I chose to explore. Compositionally, I was praised for understanding the differences between background, middle ground, foreground and "super ground".

Criticism of the placement and treatment of my process seemed to have become an issue. I have been struggling with how to treat the "objects" that are just pasted on the page. In the revisions, I took that into consideration and made that the big change. In the new image, the process occupies its own zone to the left of the "super, blue image. It has been desaturated to fit in with the background; however, it also stands out from the context because of the way it is pasted on the page. It also opens up the perspective and frees it from the clunky process. This effectively eliminates the dead space to the left of the blue object and further continues to join the composition together. The image below is the revisions of my final board:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Project 6: Revisions of Final Board

The goal of Project 6 was to revise our final board while taking into consider criticism from the Project 5 review. The same perspective is used as the focus of the board; however, the process and analysis play a bigger role towards the top and bottom of the image. Above the perspective is the letter analysis/creation of the pattern process. It shows step by step how the two letters ("o" and "k") line up and are influenced in design by each other. It also fully describes the process in which the pattern is created. At the bottom of the image, the 3D pattern process is displayed. Since the process images generally stand out from the page, the gray overlay is meant to give them their own space. This allows them to look less "copy and pasted". The lone spiraling form is meant to engage both the process and perspective while intertwining the two. It also begins to extrapolate how the 3D form can begin to be seen as a 3D pattern. Below is the final board for Project 6:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Project 5: Representation of Digital Analysis

The objective of Project 5 was to explore how digital renderings and visualization can enhance or detract from the perception of space and spacial hiearchy.

The project above is taking the concepts from the past few exercises and applying them to a comprehensive board that sums up my research into the typeface. In FormZ, I re-rendered my final Project 4 while following modified steps. The overall image is to show insight into my process and how the final form was synthesized. The perspective is taken inside the object to demonstrate how space is being created through my procedure. The blue"tentacles" are to express how this seemingly finite intersection can be seen as an infinite pattern. Finally to contrast the three dimensionality of the board, the original two dimensional pattern is set as the background to play with figure and ground. From far away, the pattern is seen as a background; however, up close, one could view the pattern as an element upon the page.