Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Project 10: Logo and Iteration

The goal of this project is to use digital media to develop an iconic design for the Linear Gallery. We were mean to create 24 separate logo designs by using the method of iteration. Some of my designs build off of each other, while some are separate entities.

The 24 Logos:

I began by reading the brief and thinking about what the Linear Gallery stood for. Not only is it a place to display art, but it is also a place to collaborate and share your ideas about the presented artwork. It is a place for artists, architects and contributors to have a discussion about important issues in their respective fields.

The first four designs were inspired by this idea of how people are involved. Some people create the work, while others critique it. The next three designs are all based around the space. The linear gallery has iconic divisions which I captured by using columns. Many ARCH242 students have drawn there and created work similar to the logos, so it not only represents the space, but also what this school stands for. The logos that follow use arrows and lines to create the logo, capturing the essence of the name and space. The "L" and the "G" were played around with following the "linear" logos. Like many logos, I tried to see what kind of dialogue came out of this exercise. Finally, I played around with the means of the words "Linear" and "Gallery" and tried to say as much with as few words. Some are metaphoric and allow the observer to think about why the logo is designed the way it is.

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